We take care of the paperwork. You just book the flights!

July 5, 2022

Ejectmo enables freelancers, SMEs and corporates to hire, contract and send existing teams to work remotely from a holiday destination to boost productivity and retain talent also create saving on the cost of living, commutes, and taxation for teams.

This is all done through an accelerated structure called Employees on Record. ie. We will hire, your existing and new teams under our remote umbrellas for each country, this means you don’t have to worry about compliance in any new environment.

We focus on cities where teams can operate in a safe, efficient, and tax-friendly environment to catch up with talent expectations. We have chosen hub cities to host remote workers including UAE, Puerto Rico, Singapore, KSA (Neom), Brazil, and Mexico.

With the acceleration of remote teams and projects, ejectmo enables companies to save costs by sending existing teams abroad plus hiring local and regional talent at a much.

Ejectmo’s EOR will hire the contractor or employee on your behalf. We will create all the local employment contracts, including local compliance from residencies to permit to work all the way to health insurance and open local bank accounts.


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